Maintenance Obligation and Guarantor’s Liability

Here you can find information on the agreements with the European Commission dated 17 July 2001 and 28 February 2002.

The abolition of guarantor's liability for public-sector financial institutions in 2001 has an impact on LBBW's existing liabilities.

Do you have any questions?

These are your contacts

Andreas Wein, Head of Funding and Debt Investor Relations

Andreas Wein

Head of Funding & Debt Investor Relations


Contact me
Peter Kammerer, Head of Debt Investor Relations

Peter Kammerer

Head of Debt Investor Relations


Contact me

Jil Janssen, Funding & Debt Investor Relations

Jil Janssen

Funding & Debt Investor Relations


Contact me
Martin Rohland, LBBW  Funding & Debt Investior Relations

Martin Rohland

Funding & Debt Investor Relations


Contact me

* Telephone calls are recorded automatically.