Our Locations

Wherever you do business and need our support: LBBW is there for you locally, both regionally and internationally.

LBBW building with LBBW logo
LBBW building with LBBW logo

In Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and the world: At LBBW you will always find experienced contacts, up-to-date expertise, and professional support, whether it's at our branches in Germany or at our foreign locations. With our German Centers, we also help our customers gain a foothold in new markets. So that your business runs smoothly – no matter where it is.

A group of six: LBBW offers the public sector a comprehensive service portfolio

Strong in corporate client business

Our experts at our branches throughout Germany provide local support for your business.

To the locations
LBBW - Our global network - Map

Strong all around the world

We support our customers internationally at 16 locations in 15 countries. In addition, our German Centers give you support with entering markets in Asia and Latin America.

To the foreign locations
Three men in conversation: LBBW is in constant exchange with its subsidiaries

Subsidiaries in Germany and abroad

Special expertise for specialized areas: LBBW customers can take advantage of the know-how of our subsidiaries in Germany and abroad in a select number of business areas.

To the subsidiaries
Map: Location finder of LBBW

The way leads to LBBW - with our location finder

Wherever you need us - we are represented in Germany and worldwide, even outside of our core region.

You can find the location near you here

Branches for private customers, self-employed workers, and small businesses

From current accounts to asset management to setting up a business: We are there for private customers, self-employed workers, and small businesses at more than 140 locations in Germany.

To the branch finder
BW Bank logo


LBBW main building as a daytime shot by drone


LBBW Headquarters

LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg P.O. Box 10 60 49 70049 Stuttgart Am Hauptbahnhof 2 70173 Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany

+49 711 127 0 +49 711 127 43544 kontakt@lbbw.de Calculate route

LBBW headquarters in Mannheim


LBBW Headquarters

LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg P.O. Box 10 03 52 68003 Mannheim Am Victoria-Turm 2 68163 Mannheim Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany

+49 621 428 0 +49 621 428 72591 kontakt@lbbw.de Calculate route

View of the entrance to LBBW headquarters in Karlsruhe


LBBW Headquarters

LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg 76245 Karlsruhe Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 4 76131 Karlsruhe Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany

+49 721 142 0 +49 721 142 23012 kontakt@lbbw.de Calculate route

Rheinkontor LBBW building in Mainz


LBBW Headquarters

LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg 55098 Mainz Rheinallee 86 55120 Mainz Rhineland Palatinate Germany

+49 6131 64 0 +49 6131 64 35701 kontakt@lbbw.de Calculate route


LBBW locations worldwide


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