Investment Finance

No matter how big your plans, LBBW gives your investments an added boost will support your business activities.

Good ideas require solid foundations. And ambitious plans require sound budgets. After all, your company needs to be able to grow. Whether you want to open new locations or expand your facilities, develop products or employ more staff, acquire companies or company shareholdings – LBBW will help you to attain your goals.

Our investment finance boosts company growth and helps pave the way to a successful future. It also keeps financial burden within your means, giving you the security you require to make business decisions. This is why our finance is tailored to the specific project in question and to your financial situation.

Liquidity gives you room for maneuver

Sometimes leasing or a loan – for instance a development credit or syndicated loan – is the best form of finance, but occasionally there are logical and affordable alternatives. Particularly when it comes to making major investments, corporations and mid-market companies alike rely on LBBW's expertise in corporate bond issue and arrangement of Schuldschein. LBBW is one of the top names in Europe in this field.


With corporate bonds there is a lot of money at stake – usually at least EUR 500 million – not to mention a lot of trust. Investors need to be able to count on getting their invested capital back. Which is why bonds are such a popular option, and one that LBBW can help with. First, we carry out an in-depth assessment of companies that express an interest in issuing bonds.

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If you want to invest and prefer not to commit your own capital, then leasing is the option for you. This classic form of finance preserves your credit lines and has no effect on your balance sheet.

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Schuldschein is a simple loan in terms of the amount of red tape involved. And it is precisely the "simple" characteristic of a Schuldschein that makes it attractive to a number of companies, particularly SMEs.

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Flexible loan terms

At LBBW, there is a measure of flexibility when it comes to the terms, conditions and repayment terms for loans – and the same applies to the interest rate, too. You can agree a fixed interest rate, which provides a reliable basis for calculations, or you can opt for a variable interest rate, with which you could benefit from attractive trends. We are equally flexible when it comes to loan terms. Our evidence suggests a term that corresponds to the normal useful life of the capital goods. But if you have other ideas, we are open to discussion.

LBBW offers:

  • Annuity loans with fixed repayment amounts that give you peace of mind
  • Installment loans based on a fixed repayment amount and a declining interest amount
  • Bullet loans where the entire loan amount is repayable upon maturity

Syndicated loans: Achieving great things together

A growth drive, a major acquisition or branching out into new business areas – if you have big plans and want to safeguard your future, then a syndicated loan is for you. This type of financing involves two or more banks joining together to offer the borrower uniform credit terms. Companies like to use this type of credit facility as an anchor in their financing mix because syndicated loans provide them with the financial security they require to press ahead with new phases of growth while offering the greatest degree of flexibility.

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Development loans: Take advantage of development funding

You can also access development programs offered by the government, federal states and the EU to get your projects off the ground. LBBW will provide you with advice and help you to select the right program and submit the funding application, and is a reliable financing partner offering individual supplementary development loans.

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