Legal Notices, Terms and Customer Information

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Legal Notices

The following web pages provide you with details on privacy statements, security regulations, Money Laundering Prevention and LBBW's business conditions:

Terms for Electronic Banking

Detailed information on MiFID (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive):

The main objectives of MiFID are to complete the process of creating a single EU market for investment services, to respond to changes and innovations which have occurred in securities markets and to protect investors by making markets deeper, more competitive and more robust against fraud and abuse.

The regular review of the execution venues takes into account information provided in the execution venues’ Quality of Execution Reports. The following links will take you to the Quality of Execution Reports of the relevant trading venues:

Systematic Internalizer (SI)

LBBW is a Systematic Internalizer (SI) according to Article 4(1) No. 20 of the EU Directive 2014/65/EU for the financial instruments listed in the SI Report that are traded on a trading venue.

For transactions in SI products, LBBW publishes the details of each transaction (post-trade transparency) for its customers, unless the customer itself acts as Systematic Internalizer and seller at the same time. LBBW's current SI status is updated on this homepage in the SI Report.

LBBW has registered its SI status with the SI MIC "LBWS" with BaFin and uses the MarketAxess service to implement the regulatory requirements for pre-trade and post-trade transparency.

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg has obtained the required consents for the use of the prospectuses for all securities offered in compliance with section 3 paragraph 3 of the German Prospectus Act (Wertpapierprospektgesetz - WpPG) in accordance with the consent and the conditions attached thereto.

These reference rates can be used to exchange or convert currencies.

The foreign exchange reference rates are published by LBBW on every bank working day by 13:15 CET.